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Granite Ridge Intermediate

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

The purpose of the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a statewide organization of over 600 chapters, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California’s public, private and charter junior high and middle schools


CJSF Application

CJSF Fall  2024 Application




CJSF Quick Guide to Point System

  1. CJSF (Granite Ridge) by earning at least 10 points.


A grade of “D” or “F” on your report card in any class (even PE or aide) disqualifies you from membership.


No points are earned for PE, a remedial or repeated course, or work experience.

CJSF points are granted as follows:



3 points for regular class, 4 points for an honors class 



1 point for a regular class, 2 points for an honors class



0 points



Please remember:

Semester membership is based on work done in the previous semester.

  • Therefore, 7th graders may not apply for membership in CJSF until they have completed the fall semester of their 7th grade year.


You must reapply each semester for membership.


To earn an Honor’s Medal at the Granite Ridge Recognition Day, a student must turn in CJSF paperwork and dues for three semesters: seventh grade fall semester, seventh grade spring semester and the first semester of 8th grade, fall semester.


If you are a …

You can apply …

Based on this semester’s grades

7th grader

For membership in CJSF during the beginning of the 2nd semester of 7th grade

1st semester of 7th grade

8th grader

For membership in CJSF during the beginning of the 1st semester of 8th grade

2nd semester of 7th grade




  • Using the link below, complete the form. You do not need to submit your grades.   The CJSF Advisor will look them up to determine eligibility. Registrations will be open 1/14-1/28.   YOU MUST BE SIGNED INTO YOUR SCHOOL GOOGLE ACCOUNT. 


  • You will receive an email letting you know if you met eligibility requirements.  


  • Via email, you will be instructed on how to log into RevTrack where you will submit your $10.00 donation. You will receive an email notification the week of 2/11/25.


  • If you do not meet eligibility requirements, you can expect an email from the CJSF Advisor as well.

Questions please email:  Amy