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Granite Ridge Intermediate

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Parent Committees


If you are interested to joining or finding out about IDAC...please visit the IDAC page here.



English Learner Advisory Council

An English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) must be formed whenever a school has over 21 or more EL students.  The ELAC must meet at least quarterly to discuss issues relative to the success of English learners.  The ELAC also completes a needs assessment on an annual basis to identify areas of need or areas where additional information is needed.  Each school is to nominate a District English Language Advisory Committee Member (DELAC) that would attend district level meetings and bring back and share district level information to their own school community as well as bring issues, concerns or needs to the DELAC.


School Site Council (SSC)

All schools receiving School Improvement Program (SIP), SB 1882 funds or implementing a School Based Coordinated Plan (SBCP) are required to form a School Site Council. The School Site Council is composed of parents and school personnel. The SSC is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the School Site Plan. Members serve for two years and area elected by their peers. Elections for new members are held annually at the beginning of the school year.


School Assessment and Review Team (SART)

Clovis Unified parents and community members are active participants in decision-making processing and in evaluating the quality of programs serving their children. Apart from the traditional school site council and parent club, a body called the School Assessment and Review Team (SART) exists to provide a forum to learn about each school and to influence the leadership regarding the operation of the school. Each Clovis Unified school has a SART committee which serves as a vehicle of communication and as an advisory body to the principal.

The school SART committee includes broad representation, including the principal, selected staff members, interested parents and community members, students and even citizens who do not have children at the school. Within the District, there are three area SART Committees. Members of the Area SART Committees include area assistant superintendents, area principals and area school SART chairpersons.

There is also a District SART Committee whose members include the district superintendent, administrators, principals and School SART Committee chairpersons. Each year a survey of parents is conducted to provide insight to parent satisfaction and perception, as well as provide valuable data about students, their home learning environment and expectations.

For more information call 559.327.9080